
Darko & Lidija Adamek

Darko & Lidija Adamek

Darko and Lidija are the Directors for Child Evangelism Fellowship Central Europe. They are responsible for leadership in some 15 countries from Poland to Macedonia. They have three kids and are the proud grandparents of a little baby boy.

Doug & Jan Hamm

Doug & Jan Hamm

Doug and Jan have been called to care for global Christian workers in more than 15 countries around the world, endeavoring to help them thrive together to build Christ’s Church. For more information about their ministry and how to get involved, please check out their websites:
www.paraclete.net and www.paraclete.net/Hamm

Jeff & Melissa Waddell

Jeff & Melissa Waddell

Jeff & Melissa are stationed in Hawaii. Jeff works is a former Science teacher and his wife Melissa is a nurse. Together they serve with WYAM and assist in various ministries to share the Gospel. One specifically to provide clean water in villages around the world.

They would like us to pray for all those who’ve heard the Gospel and that they would open their hearts and invite Christ in!

Ray & Sarah Young

Ray & Sarah Young

Ray, Sarah and their two young children are heavily involved with the college ministry at Frontier School of the Bible. All Professors and Staff raise their own support so they can keep the tuition affordable for all students.


Our Mission

Our mission is to unite Christian forces of this community who desire to meet together under this constitution for the purpose of:

The worship of God

The preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto salvation of the lost and the Christian maturity of the membership

The teaching of the believers and the development in them of a consistent Christian character based on the doctrine and teaching of the Holy Word of God in the Bible, and

The promotion of Missionary enterprises at home and abroad.